Veno File Manager log history


  • Fix: html_entity_decode appname inside emails sender


  • New: option minimum password_length for self registered users
  • Update: administration sidebar scrollspy items


  • Fix: theme color to folders and files tables
  • Fix: toast alerts according to new bootstrap
  • Fix: input placeholder color
  • Fix: alert popup close button position


  • Update: new_user email template update
  • Update: notify new updates inside the administration sidebar menu
  • Update: Bootstrap 5.3.3


  • Update: restore new-user mail template.


  • New: Resend password reset link from administration
  • Update: Send password reset link to new users
  • Update: sort notifiable users by name
  • Update clear php cache after users update
  • Update: focus login mask


  • Update: more options to user available space, up to 100GB
  • Update: more app icons formats
  • Fix: Show update menu item to superadmin_can_updates


  • Update: Normalize search to get similar results ("My File" == "my-file" == "my_file")


  • Fix: Updater create new recursive dirs if missing


  • New: Set individual lifetime for shared links
  • New: Generate Qr-Code for shared links


  • Update: 200 and 500 as available file list pagination


  • Fix: Inline audio player via shared link in Safari


  • Update: Immediately log out disabled and removed users


  • Fix: navbar toggler height
  • Fix: Zip shared files for unlogged users
  • Fix: video preview shared files
  • Update: sharing page UI improved
  • Update: better japanese translation


  • Update: better handle special chars for file and folder rename
  • Update: inline thumbnails for shared files
  • Update: Image thumbnails - PHP 8.1 Deprecated: Implicit conversion from float to int
  • Update: check .maintenance file after upgrades
  • Fix: Navbar toggler menu color according to appearance settings
  • Fix: include file paths to log notifications


  • Update: group upload notifications
  • Update: remove not-allowed icon from new folder field


  • Update: remove thumbnails after folder name change
  • Update: Zip support for PHP >= 8
  • Fix: support passwords with special chars for shared links


  • Fix: support passwords with special chars from Admin Users panel
  • Fix: Multiple items select / deselect
  • Update: jQuery 3.6.1
  • Update: better Chinese translation (thanks to duan2001)
  • Update: new translations terms


  • New: One click updater
  • Fix: overwrite_files setting option cannot be modified if view_enable_guest is on.
  • Fix: Display your_ip also with reverse proxy.
  • Fix: Low memory usage during global search
  • Fix: support passwords with special chars (bug raised in version 4.0.3)


  • Fix: Update folder list length
  • Fix: Avoid minor warnings


  • New: option Top Navigation for folders and files


  • Update: Improved downloader for big files
  • Update: Lower buffer for video stream
  • Fix: Upload path with utf-8 encoded names
  • Fix: Visible percentage inside upload progress bar


  • Fix: new registrations activation
  • Fix: upload large files with append date option
  • update: more special chars supported in folder names
  • Update: load custom colors from /_content/template/
  • Update: analytics panel improved


  • Fix: pretty-links htaccess rewriting
  • Fix: reset user password via email
  • Update: template includeTpl() function name


  • Fix: remember login option (bug since 4.0.3)
  • Fix: wrong path from downloader.php inside /_content/template/


  • New: Option Default lists sort order
  • Update: FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS to support UTF-8 names


  • Update: thumbnail preview support for .webp images
  • Update: New icons for ROM games extensions
  • Update: deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING in PHP >= 8.1
  • Update: users management improved
  • Update: moved vfm-thumb.php to /vfm-admin/include/
  • Update: generate the main /uploads/ directory after first run
  • Update: create default .htaccess
  • Update: change videoJs to Plyr
  • Fix: delete image button position inside administration


  • Fix: set default list order
  • Fix: register upload logs
  • Fix: show current language option
  • Fix: delete user
  • Fix: searchable users by name and email
  • Fix: initialize zoomview only if image preview or video preview are enabled
  • Update: show disk quota also to user without upload permission
  • Update: multilanguage dropdown-select inside administration
  • Update: clean output buffer before sending zip archive


  • Update: Move disclaimers inside /vfm-admin/_content/
  • Update: login button inside navbar
  • Fix: Send email notifications after login
  • Fix: Send email notifications after uploads
  • Fix: password reset


  • New: Stream zipped files and folders
  • New: Theme color pickers
  • New: Option overwrite uploaded files
  • New: Custom CSS file
  • New: Bootstrap icons, deprecated FontAwesome
  • Update: Theme customizer UX / UI improved
  • Update: Statistics UX / UI improved
  • Update: Bootstrap v5
  • Update: a lot of code rewritten and optimized


  • Fix: save multiple select custom field values


  • Update: PHPmailer 6.5.1
  • Minor fix


  • New: option disable users
  • Update: clear php cache on save settings.
  • Update: remove get_magic_quotes
  • Update: Uploader security improvements
  • Update: add role class to body
  • Update: stronger file extension validation
  • Fix: stronger uploader security
  • Fix: text overflow to zip folder button


  • Update: Security fix for password protected shared links (thanks to AlnXpr aka ALIEN Xupypr)
  • Update: remove [ ] from files and folders names
  • Fix: correct redirect from /vfm-admin/


  • Update: open pdf files in blank window from preview
  • Fix: logout redirect from administration


  • Update: prevent directory listing also with direct links ON
  • Update: Users and Admin login unified
  • Update: Remember me function improved
  • Update: samesite: strict for session vars


  • Fix: load audio player in debug mode
  • Update: black modals on dark skins


  • Update: 5 new dark skins
  • New option: header position, above or below navbar
  • New option: hide navbar brand
  • New utility: export users to csv


  • Update: automatic play next audio file
  • Update: file counter improved
  • Update: Hide web.config file


  • Update: Translatable role_superadmin


  • New: roles Editor & Contributor
  • New: translatable roles Guest, User, Editor, Contributor, Admin
  • Update: set Share option to each role
  • Fix: set line break to Upload between users message
  • Fix: delete thumbnails on delete and move files


  • Update: disable autocomplete on settings form
  • Update: remove get_magic_quotes_gpc() check
  • Update: Thumbnails generator improved
  • Update: update profile button outside of the tabs


  • Fix: filemtime to thumbnails name
  • Fix: hide empty folder icon


  • New Option: allow/disallow view folders to Guests
  • New Option: allow/disallow view folders to Users

NOTE: Once upgraded the script visit the administration panel and update your settings: you will find the new options "view folders" for Guests and Users under Preferences > Permissions


  • New: option detect browser language
  • Fix: Load correct language for videoJs


  • Update: include mod time to thumbnails name
  • Update: set cookies to allow iframe embed


  • Update: new custom fields option to show the value inside the users list
  • Update: debug list files
  • Update: Português (Brasil) language
  • Update: cookies for PHP >= 7.3
  • Update: Optional size parameter to getAvatar image
  • Fix: Initiate sound manager only if enabled
  • Fix: get language names from admin login


  • Fix: inline audio player


  • Fix: update admin js toggler


  • New Option: allow/disallow downloads to Guests
  • New Option: allow/disallow downloads to Users
  • New: Português language (thanks to Jorge Tavares)
  • Update: support language-COUNTRY
  • Update: mail templates layouts with plain text links
  • Update: minor fixes


  • Fix: Browse file if sub-sub-folder assigned
  • Update: Soundmanager2 to the last **version
  • Update: VideoJS to the latest version
  • Update: video .flv deprecated, .ogg ebabled


  • New: Option Login Disclaimer
  • Update: Important security patch (vulnerability found by Ahmed Alshammari & Khaled Alrashidi)


  • New: image preview on sharing page
  • New: audio preview on sharing page
  • New: video preview on sharing page
  • FIx: security improvement for users with specific folders
  • Update: PHPmailer 6.1.4


  • Update: Remove fullpath from ajax call, prevent listing arbitrary directories
  • Update: .dwg file icon Update: new class 'lostpwd' to the lost password link
  • Update: Close button to notify upload popup window
  • Update: Support usernames with numbers for Initials Avatars
  • Fix: UFT-8 encoded folder-tree
  • Fix: one time downloader also on direct links
  • Fix: Update RTL css


  • New: option send log to admin for new registrations
  • Update: Set only one log email notification for multiple uploads


  • New: option "one time download"
  • New: Option max upload file size
  • New: Svenska language
  • Update: output links url in mail templates


  • Update: Select multiple files from different pages


  • Fix: Update user data for UserName with upper and lower case
  • Fix: scrollTop for Safari
  • Update: Load uncompressed app.js in debug mode
  • Update: set 1MB as minimum safe chunk size


  • Update: audio player also for .flac and .aac files
  • Update: format size for user quota dorpdown KB, MB, GB, TB...
  • Update: new default user quota options; 1GB, 2GB, 5GB
  • Update: avoid flock() on Windows servers during log registration


  • Update: expiration time also on single shared links
  • Update: redirect blacklisted id also from downloads
  • Fix: PT and ZH language for video.js
  • Update: .bmp image icon


  • Fix: validateIP for blacklist and whitelist


  • Update: focus the empty field when trying to create a new directory
  • Update videojs to v 7.4.1 + custom language


  • New: Scroll to top button
  • Fix: get name userinfo from session


  • New: Set Browser and App icon from apperance
  • New: Password strenght checker for new users registration (minimum length 4)
  • Fix: Get remote uploads for users with directory assigned
  • Fix: avoid redirect after appearance save


  • New: animated text for filenames overflow on grid view
  • New: Catalan language
  • New: include login to statistics
  • New: custom email header logo setting
  • Fix: set right chunk size if server memory_limit is -1
  • Fix: avoid Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in statistics
  • Fix: avoid header redirect after save admin panel
  • Update: move all app custom contents inside _content/
  • Update: create config.php during first run
  • Update: relative path for captcha font
  • Update: function Logger::getClientIP()
  • Update: resumable.js 1.1
  • Update: append querystring to all js


  • Fix: Save audio notifications
  • Fix: Logout after superadmin profile edit
  • Fix: Natural sorting for folders and files
  • Fix: Delete single files with spaces in filename
  • Fix: Notification for UTF-8 encoded filenames after delete
  • Fix: min navbar height to material design skins


  • New List option: show hidden files
  • Update: Enable resumable uploads for Android
  • Update: add URLSearchParams polyfill for IE and Edge (fix redirect after upload)
  • Fix: Replace \\ for search results (for Windows servers)
  • Fix: Error loading lists
  • deprecated load(), use trigger.('load') (bug since v3.4.0)
  • Fix: Slide toggle admin menu in mobile view
  • Fix: User quota toggle selector js bug
  • Fix: save progress_color (bug since v3.4.0)


  • Fix: Avatar upload compatibility with jQuery 3
  • Fix: Multiple action compatibility with jQuery 3


  • New: Footer credits option
  • New: privacy policy popup page
  • Update: List files performance improvement
  • Update: lock log file during update, fix for high traffic logging
  • Update: Thumbnails orientation fix for big files
  • Update: optional redirect to new created folder:
  • Update: Char encoding improvement for file deletion
  • Update Admin LTE 2.4.3
  • Update jQuery 3.3.1


  • New: optional permissions for User role: Upload, Create new folders
  • Fix: class phpMailer not found if sending notification to new user
  • Fix: statistics day selector jumps to general settings
  • Fix: missing


  • New: Custom navbar logo
  • New: Option 'Layout' and 'Margin' for the header image customizer
  • New: Optional custom message for upload notifications
  • New: Option Invisible reCAPTCHA
  • New: Reset thumbnails button under Preferences > Lists
  • New: Direct link to upload directory inside upload notification e-mails
  • Update: PHPmailer 6.0.5 (PHP >= 5.5 required)
  • Update: Natural sort order for the folder-tree
  • Update: collapsible sub-folders for the folder-tree
  • Update: Link to single assigned directory inside users list
  • Update: SuperAdmin redirect if General Settings section is not available
  • Update: Show Avatar & Username if SuperAdmin has no available section
  • Fix: preserve SuperAdmin permissions if a secondary SuperAdmin updates general settings
  • Fix: get user quota on modal user administration panel
  • Update: Switch to HTML5 tags
  • Update: Stronger uploader checks
  • Update: NGINX rewrite urls example for pretty links inside documentation
  • Update: Set 32 MB as max chunk size (previously 8 MB) @class.setup.php
  • Update: Administration UI/UX improved
  • Update: Clear password fields after user registration
  • Update: Resumable.js
  • Update: Bootstrap-multiselect.js
  • Update: Removed unused code from .htaccess
  • Update: Translations
  • Fix: init audio alert only on request
  • Fix: Check if_function_exsts 'exif_read_data'
  • New: create-users.php tool included inside /utility/


  • New: Optional custom audio notifications after upload
  • Update: Get image Exif data orientation for thumbnails
  • Update: stream process to upload big files (less memory used)
  • Update: New function getfilesize() for large files
  • Update: check PHP >= 5.3
  • Update: dataTables v 1.10.13
  • Update: Clipboard.js v 1.7.1
  • Fix: updateUserSpace


  • Fix: avoid login notification to admin area
  • Fix: activate registration bug
  • Update: pre registration process improved + expiration time option
  • Update: link cloud-upload icon inside empty folder
  • Update: DE lang update: thanks to 53NORD


  • Minor bug fixes


  • New: Global search for files & Folders
  • New: get requested files and folders via ajax (loading speed improved for big archives)
  • New: zip functions with preloaders
  • New: Greek language
  • Update: HTML5 uploader improved
  • Update: icon for file type "subtitles"
  • Fix: zip dir with utf-8 names


  • New: remote upload system
  • New: download statistics as .csv files
  • New: datepicker inside statistics panel
  • Fix: stable fix for big uploads problem raised in some servers since v 2.9.0
  • Update: accept multiple comma separated emails for the log notifications
  • Update: Disable Gzip / output compression / output buffering which may cause wrong download estimated time
  • Update: class.uploader.php
  • Update: click also on input field to start upload
  • Update: Resumable js v1.0.3
  • Fix: statistics multiple file downloads marked as folders
  • Fix: set relative path to downloaded .zip folders inside logs
  • Fix: data-ext missing to rename link inside dropdown menu


  • New: gallery navigation also for video previews
  • Update: max chunk size 1mb less the max upload size available on server
  • Update: omit .hidden directories from folder tree
  • Fix: update user quota after multiple deletion
  • Fix: Wrong captcha on administration login


  • Update: call folder tree on request via ajax
  • Update: reorganization of classes, best performances for all ajax requests
  • Update: set upload chunk size up to 20Mb (if available) to reduce the number of calls
  • Update: security improvement on translated strings
  • Update: thumbs deletion after folder deletion
  • Fix: thumbs deletion after group deletion
  • Fix: wrong log notifications after file move
  • Fix: new function preGLob() to support square brackets [] inside folder names
  • Fix: missing "video/x-flv" inside class/videostream.php


  • New: Archive map navigation
  • New: Default svg avatars with username initials
  • New: material-dark.css skin
  • New: Romanian language ( thanks to )
  • Update: Change language staying on page
  • Update: Remove blank spaces while typing username during registration
  • Update: Close sticky alerts clicking on page
  • Update: Line breaks enabled on sharing messages
  • Fix: filename_extension in zip archives (raised on v2.7.2)
  • Fix: Security improvements for rejected extensions and copy/move folder map


  • Fix: decoded links with option "direct links" enabled
  • Fix: minor security improvements


  • Fix: css mobile view broken (raised in v2.7.0)
  • Fix: case-unsensitive usernames bug
  • Update: don't lowercase new case-unsensitive names


  • NEW: 14 material design skins
  • NEW: selective permissions for SuperAdmins
  • NEW: Google reCaptcha option
  • NEW: blacklist / whitelist IPs
  • Update: case insensitive usernames (unset sensitive option after first user's login)
  • Update: spinner preloader for multiple .zip download at downloader.php
  • Update: custom fields in personal user panel
  • Update: separate debug options between e-mail SMTP and general PHP
  • Update: block uploading files without extension
  • Update: administration area UI improvements
  • Update: 'php_flag engine off' if mod_php5 on .htaccess
  • Fix: assign /username/ folder for new registrations
  • Fix: accent insensitive table search
  • Fix: url encode stream videos for UTF-8 names
  • Fix: send upload notifications bug (raised in v2.6.3)
  • Fix: fallback for imageMagick .pdf thumbnails


  • New: Sticky Alerts option (under Preferences > Appearance)
  • Fix: multiple files zipped without extension (bug raised in v.2.6.2)
  • Update: video streaming improved, fix for seek pointer on Chrome
  • Update: normalizeName() function for NFD / NFC chars (requires PECL intl >= 1.0.0)


  • Update: new .htaccess rewrite mode inside /uploads/
  • Update: case insensitive files and folders check
  • Fix: user registration bug raised in v2.6.1
  • Fix: zip folders with utf-8 encoded names
  • Fix: Android upload with allowed filetypes
  • Fix: inline thumbs with preview disabled


  • New: optional captcha code on download page
  • New: global DEBUG MODE (including SMTP debug)
  • Update: PHPmailer 5.2.22 Important security update
  • Update: Automatic memory_limit for thumbnails
  • Update: track downloads also with direct links
  • Fix: username folder + available folders on new registrations
  • Fix: Remove last period . from names


  • New: video preview for .mp4, .webm, .flv
  • New: direct links option
  • Update: option to enable folders download
  • Update: javascripts updated and compressed
  • Update: unlimited expiration date option (100 years)


  • Update: Microsoft Edge support
  • Update: upload notifications fully translated
  • Fix: utf-8 encoded filenames starting with accents


  • New: Download folders
  • New: Copy files through directories
  • Update: security improvements on files listing
  • Update: .zip function improved
  • Update: avatars in users list
  • Update: confirmation alerts translated
  • Update: Inline thumbnails optimization to be supported also on hostings with low Rate Limit
  • Update: set zip limits from administration panel
  • Fix: Upload notifications bug
  • Fix: UTF-8 encoding for mail() log messages
  • Fix: Analytics supported also without mb_substr()
  • Fix: Strip whitespaces from reject/allow extensions list
  • Fix: get used space on admin login


  • New: user management with pagination and search
  • Update: security improvement
  • Fix: get base url from config when sharing files


  • New: Trendline chart for statistics
  • New: Modification time in folder lists
  • New: Optional CAPTCHA on registration mask
  • Fix: Download big files with Android
  • Fix: Natural file sorting improved
  • Update: File move improved
  • Update: File delete improved
  • Update: Multiple download log improved
  • Update: More icons for files
  • Many minor UX/UI/Code optimizations and updates


  • Fix: Download manager improved (Important FIX for Chrome!)
  • Update: audio player enabled for .wav files
  • Update: Breadcrumbs function improved
  • Update: minor UI changes
  • Update: chart.js to version 2


  • Fix: classic download method for Chrome
  • Update: admin analytics function from scandir() to glob()


  • Fix: display captcha code with the right width
  • Fix: avoid double submission on delete confirmation
  • Fix: Log-out from administration area


  • New: Grid view
  • Update: Thumbnails system improved
  • Update: Modal confirm message before delete
  • Update: Hebrew language added (thanks to Gal Day)
  • Fix: Show registration mask also with public archives
  • Fix: additional check to opendir()


  • Fix: Pause / resume uploader
  • Update: downloader check if at least 1 file is available
  • Update: minor fixes on RTL view


  • Fix: Uploader hidden for Administrators (problem raised in v 2.1.0)
  • Fix: Counter for folders with UTF8 encoded names
  • Fix: Log-out from administration area
  • Update: Right To Left view improvements
  • Update: Upload button disabled (avoid enter submit)


  • New: selective permissions for Administrators to edit/delete files and folders
  • New: Copy to clipboard button inside sharing window
  • New: Portuguese language (thanks to turati2712)
  • New: Turkish language (thanks to Zafer kara)
  • Update: Script's URL Editable from the administration panel
  • Update: show/hide folder and files counter
  • Update: new first-run system
  • Update: security improvement on images preview
  • Update: select-all option for upload notifications between users
  • Update: hidden js option to limit the upload file size


  • Update: UTF-8 encoded site description
  • Update: Natural sorting for filenames
  • Fix: Error * access denied for multiple downloads (raised in v.2.0)
  • Fix: hidden response on @set_time_limit(0); and @ini_set() to avoid broken downloads


  • New: User registration
  • New: Upload notifications between users
  • New: Users profile pictures
  • New: 10+ Material design skins
  • New: Admin panel restyle
  • New: Rich text editor for main description
  • New: Set inline thumbnail size
  • New: Files/folders counter on folder lists
  • Update: Unique login for frontend/backend
  • Update: Code reorganization
  • Update: Check if file exists before serving in download page
  • Fix: Android uploads from subfolders
  • Fix: Android notifications after upload
  • Fix: Reset remember-me option when user changes


  • Fix: Error moving files with UTF8 encoding


  • New: Move files through folders
  • Update: Allow/Reject specific extensions from the administration panel
  • Fix: Drag-n-drop js improved


  • New: Optional password protection for sharing links
  • New: Optional upload progress bar for individual files
  • New: Pretty links for downloader
  • Update: unlimited additional recipients for email sharing
  • Update: inline thumbs improved, lighter and faster
  • Update: UI/UX improvements
  • Update: script visible in administration footer
  • Update: vfm-2015.css skin with sticky footer


  • New: URL shortener
  • New: E-Mail HTML templates
  • Fix: bug with new users creation (raised in v.1.6.6)
  • Fix: minor bugs


  • New: vfm-2015 skin
  • New: E-mail notifications to new users (optional)
  • New: template system
  • New: select header alignment from administration panel
  • Update: Android icon for .apk files
  • Update: autocomplete = off inside user's forms to avoid password overwriting by browser autocomplete
  • Update: UX improvements
  • Fix: open .pdf in blank page


  • Update: downloads and uploads supported in Android (built-in browser)


  • Update: uploads supported in Safari for Windows
  • Update: downloads supported in Android (Chrome)


  • Fix: bug uploading files for users with assigned folders (raised in 1.6.2)
  • Update: German translation updated (thanks to 53NORD)
  • Update: Japanese translation updated (thanks to Takumi9942)


  • New: inline thumbnails
  • Update: Security improvement
  • Fix: password recovery without CAPTCHA


  • Fix: error deleting multiple files (raised in 1.6.0)


  • New: Remember Me option
  • Fix: error sending log messages after uploads
  • Update: 3 new skins added


  • New: redirect users inside their folder (if there's only one assigned)
  • New: optional percentage inside upload progress bar
  • Update: MasterAdmin log notifications improved (access/upload/download/new-folders)
  • Update: downloader improved with partial content
  • Update: .zip button hidden if quota exceeds limits
  • Update: PRG, Post Redirect Get after login (avoid double submissions)
  • Fix: clear cache during download (to continue script's navigation)
  • Fix: Small bug in statistics recording
  • New: Japanese language added (thanks to Takumi9942)
  • Update: Polish language updated (thanks to WIECHU)


  • New: RTL direction support
  • New: optional e-mail notifications for each upload
  • Update: Arabic language added (thanks to Fakaheel)


  • New: visible sharing link without using the email form
  • Fix: audio player with table pagination


  • Fix: login error with new users
  • Fix: close alert box


  • New: Gallery navigation between preview images
  • New: analytics system with charts, compares up to 30 days
  • Update: User management improved (lightest and fastest with long user lists)


  • New: Audio player (mp3)
  • Update: 3 new skins
  • Update: double backslash replacement for Windows servers


  • Fix: css overflow in modal windows


  • Fix: Small bug in error response message for access denied


  • New: Drag and drop upload
  • New: Chunk uploads via HTML5 file API
  • New: Pause/resume uploads
  • New: Alert message before leaving page when uploading
  • New: List folders by date or name
  • New: Optional CAPTCHA for password recovery
  • New: Optional CAPTCHA for login masks
  • Update: Set default file and folder listing from general settings
  • Update: New icons for ebooks, pdf, word documents
  • Update: UI improvements
  • Update: Chinese language added (thanks to Mikkomio)


  • New: Assign mutiple folders to each user
  • New: Optional max available space for each user
  • Update: Security improvements in file deletion process
  • Update: case insensitive folder sorting
  • Update: administration area redesign
  • Update: mobile UI improvements


  • New: Group actions
  • New: Check/Uncheck all files
  • Update: Upload area UX improvements


  • New: Internet Explorer 8 support
  • Update: German language added (thanks to BrainVibes)
  • Update: multiple download improved (now the script uses its own /tmp directory for temporary .zip archives)


  • New: password recovery system
  • Update: Optional email field for each user
  • Update: HTML e-mail templates redesign
  • Update: Administration panel redesign


  • Update: download manager improved for big files
  • Update: more detailed response message for upload errors
  • Fix: iFrame reloads parent window after upload


  • New: include template system: cleaner code, easier customization
  • Fix: collapsible users' list on mobile devices


  • New: collapsed users' list for better management
  • Update: mktime() function removed to please windows servers


  • New: Quick search and pagination for folders list
  • Update: Custom icon for Font extensions + wider range of extensions recognized
  • Update: Security improvement for download manager


  • New: Responsive collapsible language menu
  • Update: HTTPS support
  • Update: French language added (thanks to Cyril Darmouni)
  • Update: Polish language added (thanks to Chinskimandaryn)
  • Fix: Default Timezone Strict Standards notice


  • New: Statistics panel with daily report
  • New: Optional short description
  • New: Open PDFs in browser window
  • Fix: Minor bugs
  • Update: UI/UX design optimization


  • New: Quick User panel
  • New: Multiple email recipients for file sharing
  • Fix: Error decoding uploaded file names with non-latin chars
  • Update: Security improvement in file deletion process
  • Update: UI/UX design optimization


  • Fix: Language manager panel switch to editing language instead of current
  • Fix: Upload progress bar disappears with server side methods, raised in version 1.1


  • New: Select menu with pre-existent folders in users' management panel
  • New: small font-end redesign (upload area and progress bar)
  • Fix: error resetting first user's password raised in version 1.1


  • New: Send files feature
  • New: 4 default Skins added
  • Update: security improvement
  • Update: new language management, with separate files


  • New: Quick search module
  • New: Table pagination
  • New: JavaScript client side upload progress added
  • Update: extension .txt automatically appended before uploading .php, .html and .htm files


  • New: possibility to assign SuperAdmin role to more than one user
  • Update: login mask redesign: visible labels for browsers who don't support "palceholder" tag
  • Update: new function to calculate big files size, suitable to a bigger range of server configurations
  • Update: security improvement for core files
  • Fix: error listing .pdf files raised in version 1.0.1


  • New: possibility to run the script on pre-existent archives
  • Update: Default Dutch language added (thanks to Kevin Peet)
  • Fix: added generic file icon for all less diffuse extensions (previously missing)