QRcdr log history


  • New: Selective Options 'options' => ['colors', 'design', 'logo', 'frame', 'options'],
  • New: brand_logo option


  • New: Option 'default_size'
  • Update: Deprecation notices for PHP >= 8.1
  • Fix: Update map fields if not empty


  • Update: load footer after javascripts
  • Update: PHP >= 8.1 support


  • Fix: keep image-editor LTR direction
  • Fix: decode html text and email content
  • New: Turkish translations


  • Update: html_entity_decode text contents
  • Update: full RTL support for frame label
  • Update: Language menu with language names
  • Update: dropped bootbox script


  • Update: bitcoin address validator
  • Update: better RTL support
  • Fix: query string validator for urls


  • Fix: Seichelles country code
  • Update: FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS to support UTF-8 encoding
  • Update: deprecated notices in PHP >= 8.1


  • Update: alt attribute to watermarks images
  • Update: replaced deprecated constant in PHP 8.1
  • Update: better RTL for frame label
  • Update: Bootstrap 5


  • Fix: load available logo (raised in v.5.2.8)


  • New: Privacy policy modal popup
  • New: Terms and conditions modal popup
  • New: custom pages
  • Update: Security patch


  • Update: support unicode chars inside frame label
  • Update: New Chinese font
  • Fix: Safari bug downloading png without logo or background image
  • Fix: xlink:href to support pdf export with embedded images


  • Update: preloader to save process


  • Update chinese translation
  • New markers
  • PHP 8 support
  • Update: href attribute instead of xlink:href for svg image elements
  • Fix Vcard format name
  • Minor css layout fixes


  • Fix: frame color with gradient foreground


  • New: Background image
  • New: Masked background image
  • Update: send email in W3C format
  • Update: better mobile view for vertical layout
  • Fix: black background color


  • Update: html_entity_decode frame label text
  • Fix: export .pdf with svg icons


  • Update: new fonts available
  • Update: better frame label text alignment
  • Update: handle special chars for frame label text
  • New: French translation
  • Fix: generate pdf (bug with Chrome)
  • Fix: logo position with frame


  • New: Resize logo
  • New: Custom fonts for frame label text
  • New: resize frame label text
  • New: download .PDF (available for QR codes without gradient)
  • Update: replace bootstrap-colorpicker with Spectrum
  • Update: partial support for Bootstrap 5


  • Update: PHP 8 support, fix deprecated functions


  • New: RTL support for Arabic, Azeri, Dhivehi, Hebrew, Kurdish, Persian (farsi), Urdu
  • Update: default front and back colors inside process
  • Update: default size inside process
  • FIx: vcards name bug


  • Update: error correction level optimized, best readability with low precision and logo selected
  • Update: validate urls with special chars inside main domain
  • Update: optional session_name
  • Update: max-length for text areas
  • Update: Optimized ajax call
  • Update: Toast alerts
  • New: Chinese language (thanks to duan2001)
  • Fix: Correct Vcard address format also without country field
  • Fix: add version to loadQRcdrJS()
  • Fix: load multiple custom logos after first upload


  • New: deep linking with specific #tab
  • New: option relative_path
  • Fix: update options after first live preview
  • Update: separate sections for colors and size options
  • Update: hexdec conversion for php >= 7


  • Fix: get current language inside process
  • Fix: avoid double click on save button


  • Update: support for IE 10 & IE 11, drop support for IE < 10
  • Update: refresh live preview after 3 sec.
  • Update: validate urls without protocol
  • Update: check PHP version >= 5.4
  • Fix: Update PayPal main currency and shipping currency


  • Update: 1 new frame
  • Update: check if XLS extension is enabled
  • Update: UTF-8 encoded Vcard address
  • Update: default precision option inside config file


  • New: Live Qr-code preview
  • New: Default OpenMaps if no GoogleMaps API provided
  • Update: 1 new Frame
  • Update: Full list of currencies available with PayPal
  • Update: selective rounded buttons for Tabnav, Options and Save button
  • Update: all functions wrapped inside class
  • Update: set session samesite strict for php >= 7.3
  • Update: wrap main javascript into a jquery plugin
  • Update: debug mode option
  • Update: minified scripts
  • Fix: support svg images with default logos


  • Fix: right margins to frames with complex QRcodes


  • New: Advanced patterns
  • New: Frames option with custom labels
  • New: Different color for each marker option
  • New: Sidebar position option
  • New: Accordion / toggle settings option
  • New: Rounded buttons option
  • Update: New markers
  • Fix format number for USD / BTC rates


  • Update: save .png Android support
  • Update: Fax field inside Vcards
  • Fix: Vcard phone values


  • Update: accept SVG watermarks
  • Update: validate special chars inside urls
  • Fix: visible SVG PNG button for Qrcode download


  • New: Navbar as template file
  • Update: better vertical layout pagination
  • Fix: remove line breaks from tel countrycodes dropdowns


  • Fix: internal server error


  • New: Layout option Classic or Vertical
  • New: Polish language
  • Update: Bitcoin price in real time from Coinbase
  • Update: Event reminder, Link and Notes


  • New: Event calendar
  • New: Zoom reunion
  • New: Remove background behind Logo
  • Update: Editable Latitude and Longitude fields for location
  • Update: Vcard improved
  • Update: values 'lat' and 'lng' moved inside the file confg to set the initial map position
  • update: new default watermarks
  • Fix: Create high resolution .png for Safari browser
  • Fix: Display marker on the map opened with Android


  • New: Skype Chat and Call
  • Update: remove anti-alias from generated .png
  • Fix: Switch language
  • Fix: Print QRcode


  • Fix: pre-process watermark
  • Fix: sanitize language variable


  • Update: Spanish language
  • Update: refresh generated QRcodes


  • New: Custom QR-code Eyes (markers)
  • New: Gradient colors
  • New: sidebar template
  • Update: New patterns
  • Update: Save only .svg version on server
  • Update: colorpicker
  • Update: client side user logo thumbnails